Natural resitance to GMO plant
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Natural resitance to GMO plant
This does not concern the ants directly, but could be and is a proof of the rapid evolutionary rates in insects.
Published this week in the review Nature Biotechnology, an article by Tabashnik et al. about the natural development of resistance by a species of Lepidoptera to transgenic crops. Beside the fact that this should reactivate the debate on GMO and give ammo to their opponents, it also shown that insect populations are able to develop resistance in a short period of time (here less than 10 years) and then that those resistance can spread through the populations even if the populations are mixed with non-resistant one.
Bruce E Tabashnik, Aaron J Gassmann, David W Crowder & Yves Carrière, 2008. Insect resistance to Bt crops: evidence versus theory. Nature Biotechnology 26 (2): 199-202.
Published this week in the review Nature Biotechnology, an article by Tabashnik et al. about the natural development of resistance by a species of Lepidoptera to transgenic crops. Beside the fact that this should reactivate the debate on GMO and give ammo to their opponents, it also shown that insect populations are able to develop resistance in a short period of time (here less than 10 years) and then that those resistance can spread through the populations even if the populations are mixed with non-resistant one.
Bruce E Tabashnik, Aaron J Gassmann, David W Crowder & Yves Carrière, 2008. Insect resistance to Bt crops: evidence versus theory. Nature Biotechnology 26 (2): 199-202.
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